Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Welcome to the Neighborhood Soccer League Blog! Here you will find all of the information you need to register your son or daughter for soccer this fall and for years to come. I will post all information in the tabs located below the title of the blog. Please email me at neighborhoodsoccerleague@gmail.com with any questions.  Here are the basics though:

Please REGISTER ASAP!! Team spots are limited. First come, first serve. Your spot is guaranteed when we receive your registration form. You then have 2 weeks to submit the dues and medical release form. If dues/medical release form are not collected, we will allow the next in line to take your child's place. Cash or checks are acceptable. When you email your registration to neighborhoodsoccerleague@gmail.com, you will be emailed information on where to send/drop off the dues and medical release. (We don't want to post names and addresses on a public blog) ALL DUES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE!

Who: All Children ages 3-4 (3 by October 1, 2011-first day of games)

Where: Gateway Crossings main park  (neighborhood located on the south side of Ray, just west of Power. Turn south onto Bluejay, right on Ivanhoe and continue until you see large park)
 **Parking is limited! Please walk or ride bikes if possible. If parking, please be courteous. Do not park in driveways or in front of driveways**

When: Saturday mornings from 8 am to 9 am for 8 consecutive weeks starting October 1st, 2011 and finishing November 19th, 2011.

Cost: $32 per participant (the price will decrease in future seasons. The price is to help cover all initial expenses). Each participant will receive a jersey, a pair of soccer socks and a trophy/medallion at the end of the season. Participants will be responsible for their own pair of black athletic shorts, shin guards and closed toes athletic shoes (preferably cleats). ALL DUES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.

What we need: volunteers to be coaches, assistant coaches, and team moms. And of course we need: PARTICIPANTS!